IT asset disposal (ITAD) programs continue to evolve and mature. Regulations requiring companies to protect personally identifiable information (PII) of customers, employees and other stakeholders continue to become more restrictive. Data security is a top priority. Companies are seeking data secure and environmentally compliant programs to manage potential risks associated with unaccountable disposal of obsolete equipment.
National and global companies are taking charge of fragmented regional ITAD programs and consolidating and standardizing to a single program, managed holistically and consistently.
Decommission IT assets at your location
Inventory Reconciliation of Retired Assets
Financial Settlements of Assets Resold
Packing of assets and transport to processing facility
Testing and grading of IT assets
Asset reuse and / or recycling based on asset condition and age
Parts and Asset Redeployment, Resale and Recycling
Inventory Reporting and Certificates of Data Destruction
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Environmental Package
IMAAN works with any person or entity that uses, collects, sells or processes electronic devices. This includes but is not limited to recycling companies, original equipment manufacturers, retail stores, cities/communities, school districts and/or universities. We work with our customers to maximize value and recycle material in an environmentally responsible manner.